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Wonder Women Glitter Tumbler

Ok everyone taking a break from card making for a minute.  I started making a Glitter Tumbler with Wonder Woman on it and I love it.  I am using a 20oz tumbler along with glitter Red, Blue and Gold.  I will put a full list of items used below with pictures.   Now this was very fun to make but I have to tell you it took awhile.  Between glitter coats you have to wait a least an hour to dry and you will have to do two to three coat.  Then putting on Amazing Glaze you have to wait over night and it will take two coats, and after the 1st coat you will also need to do a wet sand.

On the Mod Poodge I changed my mine I use the Dishwasher Safe Gloss.  Mod Podge Dishwasher Safe

If you want to see the silver at the bottom of the cup then tap off with Electric Tap.

Once you have taped off the bottom you can start to apply the Mod Podge with a Sponge Brush

Add the glitter to the cup don't worry if you can see the cup under because you will be doing one to two more coats.  Now be careful not to get glitter into the Mod Podge make sure you toss the used Mod Podge.  Let dry for an hour and apply another coat of glitter.

With the Amazing Clear Cast it is very easy to follow directions mix equal parts of the two bottles.  Make sure you get the Clear Cast that says FDA approved Very important.   

 Now my great husband build me this with a grill rotisserie, I did not buy this, I just had this laying around the house.  After you add the Amazing Clear cast it is good to let it spin so the extra clear cast cab drop off and dry even.  Now you can let sit to dry but I have to say ( and yes I did this ) all the extra Clear cast will run to the bottom and be stuck to what ever it is sitting on.  Not fun!
Ok well I did the wet sand and I have to say I was very upset with myself because some of the red glitter turned a silver color, not sure why, but I had to just move on.  I put the Wonder Woman vinyl on and gave it another Clear Cast coat, and it looks amazing.  The silver glitter I was talking about can hardly be seen.  As soon as this drys I will give you a finished photo.

And it turned out great.....I need to wait 2 days to take the tape off of the bottom but looks good.....

As always if you have any questions please let me know and Happy Crafting.......



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