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Stamped Coffee Mug Colored with Spectrum Noir Markers

Once again Spectrum Noir Markers  have stood up to the test. I have made cups and mugs in the past with Paint and vinyl and now I can add Spectrum Noir Alcohol Markers  to that list.  I have to say I was pleasantly surprised, even after holding my breath when I was trying the last test which was washing with hot soapy water.  I squealed like a little baby as my husband says, well are you going to try it in the dishwasher next? Ummmmm NOOOOOOO!  But I might add I never put any of the cups or mugs I make in the 
8oz. plastic coffee cup

Crafter's Companion Stamp Leonie Pujol

Plastic that the stamp was lined with
Put the Stamp on the Plastic lining

Used StazOn ink pad

Stamp the cup

Heat set the stamp

Colored the stem and leaves with JG6

Colored Flower pedals with DR5

I wanted the Pedals darker so colored with DR7

Colored the inside of the Flowers with TN8

Add dots to center with True Black

Heat set again


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